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Dolega, Chiriqui
Key Features
Listing Description
This 2,000 sqm property located in Dolega, Cochea includes a 100 sqm main house with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, as well as a 56 sqm guest house. The property is equipped with water and electricity connections, along with a water well. A backup water tank is also available.
The garden and terrace offer views of Volcán Barú. The location is just 5 minutes from a lovely river, where you can enjoy activities like fishing, swimming, or hiking. The property is home to banana, papaya, lichi, and pineapple trees, adding to its natural appeal.
Contact Information
Please contact Casa Solution for more information or to visit this 2,000 sqm Property with River Access and Guest House for Sale in Dolega, Cochea, Chirirqui
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I'm interested in 2,000 sqm Property with River Access and Guest House for Sale in Dolega Cochea Chirirqui

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