$3.37 million is quite a lot of money for road improvements in Boquete. The town will shine after all of those upgrades and repaving.
The last couple of years have seen many of the local roads affected by the extensive $22.5 million water system improvements currently underway. That enormous investment in Boquete’s infrastructure is moving toward completion. These new funds are slated primarily to rapidly fix the road damages caused by the project. It will not only repair the damages, but is more than enough to make the roads look and operate great within downtown as well as in the other areas affected by the project.
When President Varela recently visited Boquete, he promised to have the roads fixed by next busy season. This over $3 million is toward the realization of that commitment.
On another note, the new bridge near the Panamonte Hotel over the Caldera River is steadily advancing. We anticipate that it will be in use within the next six months or so. Another big infrastructure improvement for Boquete’s downtown.
TVN news coverage – “Gabinete aprueba contratación directa entre el MOP y la constructora CUSA por más de $3 millones”