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Home » Boquete Panama Real Estate News » $25,000,000 New Water System Coming to Boquete

$25,000,000 New Water System Coming to Boquete


This is an amazing number, the kind of number necessary to completely transform the water distribution and treatment system in Boquete.

“It’s all about the water”

When I first arrived to Panama, my father took me out on to his property. I recall he turned to me and said, “Son, it’s all about the water. The most important thing in Boquete is water.”

“What do you mean Dad?” I said.

“It’s the availability of it, the way you channel it, and what you do with it.”

He explained about the networks of water systems in the area all run by different local water boards, how some areas can run short on water and about how water is managed on a property is so important. (He also spoke with pride about how the local water board in the Palo Alto area stood out and had won an international water management award.)

Given the high annual rainfall, it is well known that Boquete has no shortage of water…the issue has been proper distribution.

For meaningful improvement, big central government resources would be required.

When President Varela was campaigning for election in Boquete, he promised a serious commitment to eliminating the issue of water distribution in Boquete. It’s the kind of promise easy for a politician to make… not so easy to deliver.

And what do you know? Six months after taking office, there is a central government request for tender for an incredible $25,000,000 water project in the district of Boquete.

That is a serious commitment.

The request for bids is for a combination of a design phase and then a two year implementation.

This is a very big deal for Boquete. After all, “it’s all about the water.”

Government Tenders $ 25 million in new sanitation system and (water) aqueduct of Boquete
Interested companies must submit their proposals by February 10th (2015). The work must be completed in two years.

Translated from article in La Prensa by Angel López Guía, January 8, 2015

The National Council for Sustainable Development (Conades) published the tender for the design and construction of the aqueduct, health network and treatment plant wastewater Boquete, Chiriqui.

According to the statement of tender issued in PanamaCompra, it is a tender which has placed a price tag of $ 25 million.

Those interested in participating in this tender should submit their proposals next February 10, so it will have 32 days to prepare your documents.

Continued in Spanish at La Prensa

Official Government Request for Bids

Image from a U.S. Water Alliance 2013 article America’s Rising Water Rates”

Gobierno licita en 25 millones de dólares nueva red sanitaria y acueducto de Boquete

Las empresas interesadas deberán presentar sus propuestas el próximo 10 de febrero. La obra deberá estar lista en dos años.


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