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Home » Boquete Panama Real Estate News » New $3.5 million University Headquarters in Boquete’s Rapidly Developing Commercial Zone

New $3.5 million University Headquarters in Boquete’s Rapidly Developing Commercial Zone

Many Panamanians believe in higher education. Young Panamanians often work in day jobs while going to University at night. They study to become accomplished business people, engineers, accountants, attorneys, computer programmers, teachers and many other specialties. It is impressive how many achieve bachelor level and advanced degrees.

Several significant universities serve these Chiriqui Province’s hard working students. Until now, their primary operations have been in the area’s only sizable city, David. U.N.A.C.H.I. is one of those universities. They have offered classes in Boquete while operating at night from the local high school since 1997. Now, U.N.A.C.H.I. is investing in a major expansion of their efforts in Alto Boquete. The new facility just broke ground on April 5, 2017.

The site choice is notable for investors in the region. It is located in a key area of Alto Boquete that is suddenly seeing rapid development.

There is only one sizable road that provides practical access to the town. It was transformed from a little two lane into a major four lane thoroughfare several years ago. With most of Boquete’s in town property already built on, any enterprise that could use a little elbow room and lower property pricing than in downtown are eyeing the Alto Boquete commercial zone. There are many new commercial centers, residential developments, restaurants, stores, and more emerging there. The new road to Palmira and on to Volcan is to be sourced from this area and the new Boquete Convention Center will be on this road as well. In addition, the new hospital and now the new University campus will be here. You can expect this part of Boquete to be one of the most rapidly developed over the next many years. However, with canyons on both sides, land is somewhat limited. Expect investors to eye this zone as a solid bet for appreciation.

The new U.N.A.C.H.I. campus is just one sign of the changes to come in Alto Boquete.

Translated from Spanish from the HonorableMillo Walker Vasquez Boquete’s Mayor’s Facebook page, posted April 5, 2017:

“Delivery of order to proceed and the symbolic act of the beginning of the future university headquarters in Boquete U.N.A.C.H.I.

Created in December 1997, with the aim of providing access to higher education and to cover the educational needs of Boquete, the university extension of Boquete under the administration of dean Etelvina Medianero de Bonaga and coordinated by Mirtha Chacón de Candanedo, delivered the order to proceed and the symbolic act of the beginning of the future university building on Wednesday, April 5, 2017.

With the presence of university authorities, the Mayor of Boquete Emigdio Walker Vasquez, local authorities and Congresswoman, with a lot of excitement the order to proceed was given and the symbolic act of the beginning of the future university was in charge of the Academic Vice-Dean José Coronel.

The total building of the future university extension in Boquete will cost $ 3.5 million and starts on Wednesday, 5 April, with the first stage at a cost of $500,000.00, and will be built in Alto Boquete, Boquete District, district of economic growth with vision of higher education with quality.

The extension which started to work in 1998 and since then the community desirous of that higher academic preparation had requested to fulfill this dream, currently the university extension has more than 500 students, 72 teachers 9 Bachelor’s degree, 4 post graduate degrees, and it has incorporated masters and Phds in recent years; the university extension undertook its first graduation a 28 December 2001 where 23 students completed their degree in computer technician.”


Creada en diciembre de 1997, con el propósito de dar acceso a la educación superior y cubrir necesidad educativa que anhela el distrito boqueteño como alternativa de superación la Extensión universitaria de Boquete bajo la administración de la Rectora M.Sc. Etelvina Medianero De Bonaga y coordinado por la M.Sc. Mirtha Chacón de Candanedo, hizo entrega de Orden de Proceder y colocación de la Primera Palada hoy miércoles 5 de abril de 2017.

Con la presencia de autoridades universitarias, alcalde de Boquete Emigdio Walker Vásquez, autoridades locales, la diputada y suplente del circuito se dio con mucha emoción la Orden de Proceder y Colocación de la Primera Palada para futura Extensión Universitaria de Boquete que estuvo a cargo del Vicerrector Académico M.Sc. José Coronel.

La edificación total de la futura sede universitaria de Boquete tendrá un costo de 3.5 millones de dólares e inicia hoy miércoles 5 de abril, con una primera etapa a un costo de medio millón de dólares, y construido en el corregimiento de Alto Boquete, distrito de Boquete, distrito de crecimiento económico con visión de educación superior con calidad.

La Extensión que inicio sus labores en 1998 y desde entonces la comunidad deseosa de esa preparación académica superior había solicitado que se cumpliera con este sueño, actualmente la Extensión universitaria cuenta con más de 500 estudiantes, 72 docentes 9 licenciatura, 4 postgrado, y se incorporan maestrías y doctorados en los últimos años; la extensión universitaria realizó su primera graduación un 28 de diciembre de 2001 donde 23 estudiantes culminan su plan de estudio en Técnico en Informática.

Departamento de Relaciones Públicas”

Photos from Boquete Mayor’s Facebook page

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