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Home » Panama Real Estate News, Events and Analysis Blog from Casa Solution » Casa Solution Review – Erika Fulton Deonanan

Casa Solution Review – Erika Fulton Deonanan

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Hola Jhanela and staff of Casa Solution, I was so happy to work with all of you on the sale of my house. You are a great team.

I appreciate that all of you were willing to show my house not just one agent.

Also your patience with a person who had no idea how the real estate buying and selling works in Panama, which is much different than in the US.

You gave me realistic expectations when pricing the house and worked very hard on the marketing of it.

The pictures and description of my house on your web site were beautiful. I also real appreciated that you constantly communicated with me while I was in the US while going through the process of the sale and closing.

Thank you so much for the good service and guidance you provided. Sincerely, Erika Fulton Deonanan


“Hola Jhanela y el personal de Casa Solution, me encantó trabajar con todos ustedes en la venta de mi casa. Ustedes son un gran equipo. Aprecio que todos ustedes estuvieran dispuestos a mostrar mi casa no solo un agente. También su paciencia con una persona que no tenía idea de cómo funciona la compra y venta de bienes raíces en Panamá, la cual es muy diferente que en los Estados Unidos. Ustedes me dieron expectativas realistas al valorar la casa y trabajaron muy duro en el mercadeo de la misma. Las fotos y la descripción de mi casa en su sitio web eran hermosas. También aprecié mucho que se comunicaran conmigo constantemente mientras estaba en los Estados Unidos mientras realizaba el proceso de venta y cierre. Muchas gracias por el buen servicio y la orientación que proporcionaron. Sinceramente, Erika Fulton Deonanan

Thank You Erika!

We are deeply grateful for you.
You have made a difference in our lives and in the lives of our families.
We are committed to serving you.

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