Boquete Office 6611.6049
Panama City 6812.8278
Volcan Office 6812.8809
Coronado Office 6812.5356

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Panama News

Where to Invest? Panama leads Latin American growth

Panama will have the highest economic growth rate of any Latin American country this year. In a recently released report from the United Nations’ Economic Commission, Panama’s anticipated growth rate of 6.7% will be the highest followed by ...

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3D printing hits Panama

This development is representative of Panama’s Latin American leadership in modernity. You can get almost anything in Panama. Now you can get printers there that print actual physical 3D items you can use. This printer shop is a sign of ...

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NPR on Panama

"Panama's Canal Divides A Country Into Haves And Have-Nots" It is true that Panama has a lot of poverty and that inequality is very evident. The good news is that with so much economic growth, while greatly enriching the influential of the c...

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$780 million upgrade to Panama Airport underway

Panama's Tocumen Airport has improved and grown enormously over the last several years with more to come. New terminals, flights and improvements have come fast.  Just six or seven years ago, it took a long time to move through immigrations, b...

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Starbucks is coming – Panamanians will love it

  When our team visits the United States, what some of the staff and their family ask to have brought back to Panama are items from Starbucks - anything from Starbucks.  Mugs with the logo, cups, coffee, whatever.  This is a coffee loving c...

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New Panama Diamond Exchange

Panama is the business crossroads of the Americas. It's geological position, political stability and pro-business orientation along with the strategic Panama Canal's role in international commerce makes it the logical choice for exchanges like ...

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Juan Carlos Varela wins 2014 Presidential Election

Juan Carlos Varela will be the next President of Panama. It was a surprise victory. Given the high approval rating of outgoing President Ricardo Martinelli, it was expected that his hand-picked successor would triumph. However, since the days o...

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