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Volcan, Tierras Altas, Chiriqui
This enormous development property in Volcan, Panama is an opportunity to step right into a master plan approved and surveyed property with ideal attributes. The master plan is for 103 building lots. There are many trees on the property including a large number of big pine trees and giant bamboo.
There are five springs with many waterfalls and pools. There are two new wells. Views are of Volcan Baru, Panama's tallest peak.
The property is just 2 and 1/2 miles from the town of Volcan, Panama.
540,000 square meters total with 480,000 already titled. Titling process underway on the remaining 60,000.
From the developer:
"Visitors to Volcan Springs Ranch Estates are amazed and enchanted by its natural beauty and magic. Some of the highlights are the panoramic views of the majestic volcanic peak of Volcan Baru, Panama's highest mountain at over 11,000 feet, the surrounding lush, green rolling hills and the five natural crystal clear springs flowing from their mysterious underground source. The year around ambient temperature in this highland region is so mild it is referred to as "eternal spring". There are a profuse variety of vividly colored birds, butterflies, tropical plants and wild orchids in this land of rare beauty and splendor.
There are many natural areas to enjoy. Some where you can hear the water rushing down over the rocks on its way to join the river below. There are other peaceful areas where you can see and hear the many varieties of tropical birds that inhabit this highland wonderland. There are horse trails and walking trails leading to many of these extraordinary nature areas. Many of the trees are covered by wild orchids, epiphytes and bromeliads. One trail leads through a forest of towering, giant bamboo.
Most lots have spectacular views either of the volcano or of the incredible alpine valleys and hills that make up this paradise."
please contact casa solution, or
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I'm interested in 133 acres Master Plan Approved Development Property in Volcan

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