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El Cangrejo, Bella Vista, Panama City, Panama
Imagine living in Avenida España, 100 yards from the Subway station on one side and on the other side 100 yards from the picturesque Via Argentina where the famous bronze statue of "Hands of Stone" boxer Roberto Duran awaits you. Your windows in the back of the building offer a peaceful view of the El Cangrejo neighborhood. This cozy two-bedroom and den apartment, elegantly renovated, is being offered below market price (recent appraisal available) due to personal circumstances. The lively public park Parque Andrés Bello is within walking distance, and there is a wide array of colorful stores and restaurants in Via Argentina, a tree-shaded boulevard, arguably Panama's most walkable street. This is your opportunity to stake your claim in the heart of Panama City... seize it while it lasts. This is yet another MLS (Multiple Listing Service) listing available to private parties and properly licensed agents. Visit it today!
Courtesy of MLS ACOBIR
please contact casa solution, or
fill out the form below.
I'm interested in GREAT DEAL next to Via Argentina subway station!

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