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San Miguelito, Pedregal, Panama City, Panama
Property very well located in villas de las Acacias. For residential use (single-family or multi-family), commercial, tertiary or services, logistics and industrial, institutional, educational, welfare, cultural, sports, transportation infrastructure. Maximum density: 1000 persons/Ha. Minimum area and minimum free frontage, maximum height 6 floors, minimum parking 0.5 per dwelling and 1 for every 60 m2 of commercial space. The property has a two-level residence: First floor: Two (2) covered garages with capacity for two (2) parking spaces, garage without roof, covered front terrace, living room, dining room, two (2) bedrooms, one (1) toilet, kitchen, semi-enclosed laundry, with semi-enclosed terrace, maid's room and toilet, bohio with bar, one (1) toilet and one (1) storage room, covered rear galley. Upstairs: Three (3) bedrooms, three (3) bathrooms, one (1) balcony, family room, half bathroom and covered terrace. Make your appointment NOW ! and come and see your new home or business, well located and a completely flat and fenced land.
Courtesy of MLS ACOBIR
please contact casa solution, or
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I'm interested in House and Lot for Sale Villas de las Acacias 1,175

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