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Alto Boquete, Boquete, Panama
This property is sold. Casa Solution handles more property sales in the Boquete area than all other agencies combined. We would appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. Please visit, call 011-507-720-1331 or email us today.
This affordable three bedroom house in Nuevo Baru, Boquete has views of Volcan Baru and borders a seasonal stream. It is just about 100 meters from a paved road in a convenient location less than 10 minutes to downtown.
The house is within walking distance of the new Boquete roller skating rink, and under construction, there is the new Boquete Health Clinic and a mini supermarket, plus ample taxis and buses that go direct to David and Boquete. This is a very convenient location (actually, a car would not even be necessary from this home). David is only 20 to 25 minutes away as well.
The organic garden has vegetables as well as young avocado, mango, and grapefruit trees. There are mature passion fruit trees and berry bushes.
The house has a storage area, backup water tank with pressure system, a covered large front patio and covered back patio. It also has a brand new roof.
The neighborhood is quiet and friendly.
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I'm interested in Sold by Casa Solution – House for Sale in Alto Boquete, Baru View

Casa Solution is now Open. The staff are working full time and are available in the office, by phone and email.
Please call 011.507.720.1331 or email info(at)casasolution(dotted)com with any questions. We are happy to help.
The Casa Solution office hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Monday through Saturday. The offices are closed on Sundays and Panamanian National Holidays.
For assistance, please visit us in Boquete, call, text, fill out the below form or email and we will be happy to be of service. We look forward to helping you.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.