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Cerro Azul, Panama City, Panama
Property: Lot i, Herbert Lee Street Short description: Mixed-use land outside PH with commercial or industrial potential. List of lots: i1 of 5,000 m2, i2 of 1,016 (*only one Sold), i3 of 1,020 m2, i4 of 1,018 m2, i5 of 1,017 m2. Square footage of land: 10,000 m2 - Quantity of n/a most approximate years. Price per m2: $22.00 x m2 ($11.00 x m2 with cash purchase, $9.00 x m2 with purchase of a hectare or more). Price per ft2: $2.04 x ft2 ( $1.02 per ft2 purchase cash, $0.84 per ft2 with purchase of a hectare or more). ACOBIR and my agency eXp Realty Panama, drone video of the sector and we put the TDEast team at your disposal for the development of the property. Golf Club Fee $100 per month or $1,000.00 per year (-$200 off).
Courtesy of MLS ACOBIR
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I'm interested in Land for sale in Cerro Azul top part 1k to 5k m2

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