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Boca Chica, Beaches Chiriqui, Chiriqui
Just improved! Electricity and New Roads now on the Property...and the price has been reduced. A very large building site has also been created next to the beach ideal for a hotel or other facility.
160 meters of incredible beach frontage grace this nearly 50 acres in Playa Hermosa. Next to Boca Chica, Chiriqui's acclaimed launching point to beautiful islands and world-class fishing, Playa Hermosa has what is lacking on the Boca Chica mainland, a gorgeous beach. This property also has a stream and incredible hillside ocean views. Awesome development potential. Avoids the risks and costs of island life while being near great island access. Electricity nearby.
Please contact Casa Solution if you have any questions or would like to visit this Incredible Beach Development Property, 20 hectares, Playa Hermosa, next to Boca Chica - Increíble Propiedad para Desarrollo de Playa, en Boca Chica
Increíble Propiedad para Desarrollo de Playa, en Boca Chica
Electricidad cerca y nuevas carreteras ahora en la propiedad, 160 metros de frente a la playa; esta propiedad también tiene un arroyo y vistas increíbles al mar en la ladera y un increíble potencial para desarrollo.
please contact casa solution, or
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I'm interested in Incredible Beach Development Property, 20 hectares, Playa Hermosa, next to Boca Chica – Increíble Propiedad para Desarrollo de Playa, en Boca Chica

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