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San Carlos, Chame, Punta Chame House With 3 Bedrooms, Near The Sea, Beaches Near Panama City, Panama West
This property in Punta Chame has great potential. The house sits on a large lot and has 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen, living room, covered parking for 2 cars, and is very close to the beach, less than 3 minutes walking. The land is flat and has room for future expansion. The floors are made of clay and the roof is made of tile. The construction is solid and has excellent potential to remodel to your standards. Punta Chame is a wonderful area where many people travel for water activities such as surfing, kite-surfing, jet skiing, paddleboarding and many more. Located only 1 hour and 30 minutes from Panama City, do not miss your chance to visit your next beach home.
Courtesy of MLS ACOBIR
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I'm interested in Punta Chame house with 3 bedrooms, near the sea

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