Boquete Office 6611.6049
Panama City 6812.8278
Volcan Office 6812.8809
Coronado Office 6812.5356

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Home » Boquete Panama Real Estate News » $18 Million in Major Boquete Investments Announced: New Bridge, New Road & More

$18 Million in Major Boquete Investments Announced: New Bridge, New Road & More

This new bridge near the center of downtown Boquete next to the famous Panamonte Hotel will provide easier access for everyone into town. It comes at the same time that the new area-wide water system is in process of being implemented. President Varela visited Boquete to announce the start of construction of the new bridge as well as to provide the order to start the new road that will link Alto Boquete to Potrerillos and on to Volcan.

He also highlighted tourism development of the Boquete area during his visit when he ascended Panama’s tallest peak Volcan Baru from Boquete.

Panama’s federal government continues to steadily invest relatively big dollars into the Boquete area and Chiriqui. Boquete is a sparkling gem of Panama in the eyes of the world and is loved by Panamanians. Expect to see major and continued government and private investments in tourism development, security and infrastructure improvements into the area.

In addition to this bridge and road the projects and investments are stacking up. They include:

New $12 Million Boquete Public Hospital – Also Available to Expats

New Boquete to Volcan Road

New Boquete Convention Center

New Public, Tourism and Handicraft Market Opens in Boquete

President Varela in Boquete – Gives Order to Begin $22.5 Million Water Distribution / Treatment Project

Massive Expansion Planned for Main Road to Volcan

Something Incredible is Happening in David, Panama

$100 million for Chiriqui & Bocas del Toro Bananas! – Economic Boon for the Region

David Panama’s Huge New $180 Million “Federal Mall” is a Go

$31 Million for Chiriqui Sports – Includes Major Fútbol / Soccer & Baseball Stadiums

New $3.5 million University Headquarters in Boquete’s Rapidly Developing Commercial Zone


Properties Next to the New Boquete Bridge For Sale:

15 Strategically Located Properties Next to New Panamonte Bridge & Across From Hotel Ladera – Package Price

Riverfront Property Next to New Panamonte Bridge in Downtown Boquete


Translated from Spanish from Panamanian Government website:

The construction of the final stage of the Ruta Sur starts to boost production and tourism in Dolega and Boquete

President Juan Carlos Varela gave the order to start the construction of the Ruta Sur from Potrerillos Arriba to Palmira Abajo, in the province of Chiriquí, which will benefit the agricultural and tourist activities of more than 3,500 residents of Potrerillos Arriba, Dolega and Palmira, Boquete.

The work, with a length of approximately 9.70 kilometers, has an investment of 14,939,940 US Dollars. This section ends the Ruta Sur in this productive region.

“This road is historic; finally the road that joins Boquete and Volcan will be made via Potrerillos and Palmira to reach Volcan in just 40 minutes. It will be one of the most beautiful roads in the foothills of the Barú Volcano,” said the President.

Amongst the main beneficiaries are the producers of sugar cane, corn, beans and bell peppers for exports from the communities of el Banco, Montaña, La Mesa, Brazos de Cochea, Mameyes, which connects Potrerillos Arriba with the producers and residents of the communities of 4 caminos, Palmira Abajo, Palmira Centro and Palmira Arriba.

The President said that “every cent we invest in the interior of the country makes the whole country grow because we are giving them the opportunities for their communities to develop.”

In addition, he said that these “are infrastructure works that will consolidate the tourism offer of the province, which can be shown to the world.”

Panamonte Bridge

After the damages from the heavy rains 9 years ago that caused the flooding of the Caldera River and caused the collapse of the bridge, the Chief Executive gave the order to proceed with the design and construction of the Panamonte bridge over the Caldera river in Boquete.

With an investment of $3,318,376.00 more than 20 thousand Boquete citizens and visitors will be benefited.

“This new bridge over the Caldera River will contribute to a better mobility not only for the residents of the area but also for tourists,” said the President

He added that the Government of the Republic of Panama has made a significant investment in the Boquete district, in terms of infrastructures, improvement of the sewage system, educational centers and aqueducts.

“These projects will allow the productive sector to have the necessary incentives to improve the economy and the quality of life of Chiricanos and mainly to enhance the tourist attraction of the Valley of the Moon,” he said.

“Arranca construcción de etapa final de Ruta Sur para impulsar producción y turismo en Dolega y Boquete, by José E. Sánchez, March 17, 2017

Luego de las afectaciones por las fuertes lluvias hace 9 años que provocaron la crecida del río Caldera y ocasionaron el desplome del puente, el Jefe del Ejecutivo entregó la orden de proceder para el diseño y construcción del puente vehicular Panamonte sobre el río Caldera en Boquete.

El presidente Juan Carlos Varela puso en marcha la construcción de la Ruta Sur Potrerillo Arriba – Palmira Abajo, en la provincia de Chiriquí, la cual beneficiará las actividades agrícolas y turísticas de más de 3,500 moradores de los corregimientos de Potrerillos Arriba, del distrito de Dolega y Palmira del distrito de Boquete.

La obra, con una longitud aproximada de 9.70 kilómetros, cuenta con una inversión de 14 millones 939 mil 940 balboas. Con esta vía se culmina la Ruta Sur en esta productiva región.

“Esta carretera es histórica, finalmente se hará la carretera que une a Boquete y Volcán por la vía de Potrerillos y Palmira para llegar a Volcán en solo 40 minutos. Será una de las carreteras más bonitas en las faldas del Volcán Barú”, expresó el Mandatario.

Entre los principales beneficiados se encuentran los productores de panela de caña de azúcar, maíz, porotos y pimentones de exportación, de las comunidades del Banco, Montaña, La Mesa, Brazos de Cochea, Mameyes que une al Corregimiento de Potrerillos Arriba con los productores y moradores de las comunidades de 4 caminos, Palmira Abajo, Palmira Centro y Palmira Arriba.

El Presidente dijo que “cada centavo que invertimos en el interior del país hace que todo el país crezca porque les estamos brindando las oportunidades para que sus comunidades se desarrollen”.

Además, afirmó que estas “son obras de infraestructura que van a consolidar esa oferta turística de la provincia, la cual podrá ser mostrada al mundo”.

Puente Panamonte

Luego de las afectaciones por las fuertes lluvias hace 9 años que provocaron la crecida del río Caldera y ocasionaron el desplome del puente, el Jefe del Ejecutivo entregó la orden de proceder para el diseño y construcción del puente vehicular Panamonte sobre el río Caldera en Boquete.

Con una inversión de 3 millones 318 mil 376 balboas, se beneficiarán a más de 20 mil habitantes del distrito de Boquete y sus visitantes.

“Este nuevo puente sobre el río Caldera contribuirá a una mejor movilidad no solo para los habitantes del área sino también para los turistas”, destacó el Mandatario.

Añadió que el Gobierno de la República de Panamá mantiene una inversión importante en el distrito de Boquete, tanto en infraestructuras, adecuación del sistema de alcantarillado, centros educativos, acueductos.

“Estos proyectos permitirán que el sector productivo cuente con los incentivos necesarios para mejorar la economía y la calidad de vida de los chiricanos y principalmente potenciar el atractivo turístico del Valle de la Luna”, puntualizó.”

Varela logró llegar a cima de Volcán Barú

Varela climbed to the summit of Volcan Baru – link here

Next: New $3.5 million University Headquarters in Boquete’s Rapidly Developing Commercial Zone


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