Boquete Office 6611.6049
Panama City 6812.8278
Volcan Office 6812.8809
Coronado Office 6812.5356

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Boquete Sales


Chiriqui Beach Sales (Las Lajas, Las Olas, Boca Chica)


Boquete Area Listings


Chiriqui Property Sales (Last Four Years)


Years as the Boquete Area Leaders

About the Statistics

About the Statistics

Statistics can be a source of misinformation or hype. They shouldn’t be taken at face value. It’s important to know what goes behind the statistics that make them meaningful.

Here is some information we hope you find helpful about the stats of the Chiriqui market and Casa Solution.

#1 in Boquete Sales

Casa Solution handles more sales than any other real estate agency or agent in Boquete, Panama.

Casa Solution’s volume of sales in Boquete and nearby areas dwarfs any other company or agent every year.

Multiple Listing Recorded Sales vs. Actual Sales Explained: 

There is one significant Multiple Listing Service now in Panama.  It is run by ACOBIR which is the country’s largest association of real estate agents and companies. Casa Solution is a member of ACOBIR and has actively used the MLS system since 2017.

There are some companies that make it sound like they have a “special” MLS system different than others or that they, in particular, are on  This is misleading.  There is only one MLS system from ACOBIR in Panama so all members have access to the same MLS and all listings there are posted on

The MLS system is still in its early stages. Though the MLS is gaining in popularity, the majority of Panama real estate deals do not yet involve the MLS.  For those that are listed on the MLS, some of the agents who use that system do not report their sales.  ACOBIR is working to change that, but it will take time.

There are some agents who register their sales in the MLS.  As a result, some win ACOBIR awards stating that they are the top salesperson or company for the number of registered sales they have done with the MLS system.  However, this does not mean that they are the top salesperson or agency in the country or even for a particular area.

Since most agents don’t register their sales and most sales are of properties that aren’t in the MLS, then it isn’t really accurate for someone to claim they are the #1 salesperson in the country just because they got an ACOBIR award, is it?   When one actually goes into that system and see the number of sales obtained for the award, it clearly tells the story.

Another interesting fact is that MLS sales are currently credited to the company who has the listing rather than the selling company. To get credit for the sales side of the transaction, it requires that the listing agency register into the MLS system the participation in the sale of the cooperating agency who brought the buyer.  Casa Solution cooperates with other agencies and has actively sold many listings from other agencies, but those sales have not been reflected to date by the cooperating listing agency in the MLS system.

In the meantime, most of our sales fall outside of that system and many agents’ sales will do so until the MLS becomes more commonly used by Panama real estate agents.  Also, not all agents and agencies have access to the MLS system as it requires membership in ACOBIR, a non-governmental association. 

As proud members, we fully support ACOBIR’s efforts to bring agents together under the MLS system and encourage all sellers to participate. While some will hype the MLS to get listings signed, we acknowledge that it is a useful tool with a bright future that occasionally leads to sales.

In the meantime, in Boquete and nearby sales, the Casa Solution Team is clearly #1. 

#1 in Boquete Listings – 5X the Nearest Competitor

Casa Solution has five times the Boquete area listings of any other competitor.

At the time of this writing, Casa Solution has about 300 active signed listings in Boquete and the nearby areas.  We have many, many more listings at the beaches, in David, Volcan and in other parts of Panama not counted in that number. This also does not include any MLS listings or cooperative agency listings that are accessible to Casa Solution.

The nearest Boquete competitor is currently showing 51 listings on their website in the Boquete area at the time this information was written.

Why would a Casa Solution competitor then say they have the most listings in Boquete?  Good question.

#1 in Chiriqui Beach Sales (Las Lajas, Las Olas, Boca Chica)

Casa Solution has become the leading real estate agency in the most popular beach areas of Chiriqui Province.

About 8 years ago, Casa Solution committed to becoming the leader in the Las Olas Resort Community in La Barqueta. That led to dominance in listings and sales in that area including a great many luxury beachfront home sales. Shortly thereafter, an additional focus on the incredible beach areas of Boca Chica and Las Lajas yielded results. Today, Casa Solution is busy with regular Chiriqui beach transactions and is the leading real estate agency in these beach areas.

Like in other parts of Panama, most beach region listings do not appear in the MLS. When we go into the MLS system to review the sales of other agencies to back up our #1 claim, we can only find a handful of sales by other agencies reflected.  There is another agency that claims they are the tops though. If someone sells two or three beach properties in a year and registers them in the MLS, they could say they are tops in MLS registered sales for the area.   It’s just not the same as being #1 in actual sales though.

Meanwhile, a reality check. Investigating who does the most sales in areas like the Chiriqui beaches falls to watching all published listings to see who is marketing and selling them, talking with other agents, discussions with the most active professionals with deep knowledge of sales activity in the Province such as high profile attorneys and to some degree, watching public registry activity.  It’s not a purely scientific or definitive method of ensuring #1 status.

However, we feel confident based on the research we’ve done and the unrivalled depth of our contacts in the region, that no other agency sells more actual on or close to the beach properties in La Barqueta / Las Olas, Las Lajas and Boca Chica than Casa Solution.

$100,000,000 Chiriqui Property Sales (Last Four Years)

Casa Solution has sold over $100,000,000 in property sales over the last four years.

To clarify, when we take the final sales prices of all the property we sold in 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 combined, the total volume is $100,000,000. We are proud of this hard-earned success.

While we can’t be absolutely certain due to the lack of registered sales data, we believe this surpasses the sales in those years of any other agency in Chiriqui Province.

19 years as the Boquete Area Leaders

Casa Solution was started in 2006. After our arrival, we quickly became the leading Boquete real estate agency and remain so today. 

When we first arrived on the Boquete real estate scene, it was really like the “Wild West.” Agents frequently had no signed listing agreements with sellers. Net listings often occurred wherein sellers would tell the agent that they wanted a particular amount and then the agents priced the property at much higher prices, sometimes double or more, pocketing the difference. Escrow of deposits was almost unheard of, and many agreements of sale were simple and full of holes.

Some of these situations still do occur, but they are far less common than when we started. By working with Casa Solution, we can help you to avoid the remaining “Wild West” type pitfalls.

We’ve learned a lot of valuable knowledge about Boquete, Chiriqui and how to manage transactions here over 18 years.  We look forward to serving you well with the benefits of that acquired expertise.

Over 1,400 Chiriqui Province Sales and 100s of Millions in Successful Chiriqui Property Sales

Casa Solution has successfully conducted over 1,400 property sales transactions totaling $100s of Millions in Value in Chiriqui Province.

Many of the Province’s top real estate professionals with plenty of experience have chosen to join the Casa Solution team. The 1,400 number does not include all of the hundreds of successful transactions other Associates and Agents were involved in before they joined the Casa Solution Team.

The Biggest and Most Experienced Chiriqui Real Estate Team by Far

Casa Solution has the most fully staffed real estate agency in Boquete and, most likely, the entire Province. The Team also includes the finest real estate agents, marketing consultants, associates and other professionals to serve you.

While many other Boquete real estate offices are often closed due to limited or no staff, you can count on the Casa Solution Boquete office being accessible with many team members available to assist you Monday – Saturday from 8:30am to 5:30am (except on national holidays). Casa Solution recently opened a second office in Volcan, Panama , (end of 2022), to better serve that growing and beautiful part of the Province.

The Only Chiriqui Agency We Know of with a Dedicated Closing Team

Casa Solution invests in professional full-time staff that serve as dedicated Closing Team members.

These experts work almost solely on transactions from the time of an offer until the closing of the transaction is fully complete.

This includes writing of the drafts of the promise to purchase agreements, coordinating all activities between the attorneys involved, leveraging contacts to move processes through government offices, solving problems with properties that need to be updated or corrections made, tracking the step-by-step process of each transaction daily and keeping the parties informed of each step along the way.

We know of no other real estate agency in Chiriqui Province that provides a closing team service to clients.

Over 150 Glowing Client Reviews

The incredible number of 5 Star reviews Casa Solution has received say a lot about the Company, our values and our ability to serve you. There were over 150 at the time of this writing. Please take a look.

Five Times in the New York Times

The number of times Casa Solution listings or interviews have appeared in the New York Times. Here are some of the articles.   

In one case, a Casa Solution property was even chosen as one of only “15 Favorite International Home Listings 2022” by the New York Times. 

Over 50 International Websites

Casa Solution advertises client properties extensively for maximum International exposure. Some of the sites we contract with automatically disseminate properties to many other world-wide real estate sites in a wide variety of languages.

Countless Signs

You might have noticed. Casa Solution for sale signs are in all corners of Chiriqui Province. You can’t miss them.

We Stand Ready to Serve You

Thank you for taking the time to review the statistics. We hope this information helps you in your choice of your real estate agency whether it is to buy or sell a property in Panama.