Panamanians are a charitable people. Their commitment to others and the huge numbers who volunteer to help are inspiring.
This annual event to fight cancer brought thousands of people to the streets in Panama City and ten other locations throughout the country. The proceeds support efforts of the National Cancer Institute with a focus on the funding of cutting edge surgical supplies.
On a related note, Copa Airlines recently donated $50,000 to fight cancer in Panama.
“Miles de personas apoyaron la Caminata Susie Thayer”
Telemetro, August 30, 2015, by Odalis Núñez
“Miles de personas recorrieron este domingo las calles de la Cinta Costera en la gran Caminata Familiar Susie Thayer, a beneficio del Instituto Oncológico Nacional.” continued
“Copa dona 50.000 dólares para apoyar a pacientes con cáncer en Panamá”
NextTV, July 8, 2015
“La panameña Copa Airlines entregó hoy un donativo de 50.000 dólares para apoyar con alimentación y otras necesidades básicas a pacientes con cáncer que viven en condición de extrema pobreza en Panamá” continued